Custom Matte wraps are really eye-catching! This H2 Hummer wrap was done with Matte wrap film & glossy overlays all printed on 3M IJ180. The combination of matte and glossy finishes creates a striking contrast that enhances the visual appeal of the vehicle, showcasing Hittn' Skins' expertise in creating custom vehicle wraps that make a statement.

The use of 3M IJ180 material for the H2 Hummer wrap project highlights our commitment to using top-tier products to achieve the best results. This premium vinyl is known for its reliability and ability to produce high-quality prints that capture every detail, from the depth of the matte finish to the shine of the glossy overlays. Our approach to combining different textures in a wrap not only demonstrates our innovative capabilities but also provides our clients with a dynamic and impactful way to express their brand or personal style.