Water-based + plastisol = Hybrid Printing. This innovative technique showcases our ability to blend the best of both worlds, offering the soft feel of water-based inks with the vibrant, long-lasting color of plastisol. For this particular project, we started with a discharge white under-base, which effectively removed the fabric's original dye, leaving a bright, pure white canvas. On top of this, we applied 5 additional spot colors using plastisol inks. The result is a stunningly detailed and colorful print that maintains a soft hand feel, unlike traditional plastisol-only prints that can feel heavy on the fabric.

This hybrid approach not only enhances the visual appeal of the print but also increases the durability and wearability of the garment. It's perfect for designs that require the vibrancy of plastisol but benefit from the softer texture that water-based inks provide. This method is particularly effective on darker fabrics, where the discharge under-base can significantly brighten subsequent colors. Our expertise in hybrid printing allows us to offer unique solutions to our clients, combining durability, comfort, and eye-catching designs in a single garment.